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#321139 - She went down the stairs and saw her dad, blushing as he stared at her and she saw a bulge growing in his pants, he snapped a picture of her walking down the stairs well I'm glad I got you that chastity belt, because with your slutty tendencies and the way you look your gonna need it tonight he said making her wince, but she just nodded, her date rang the door bell and her dad answered and let him in, snapping some pictures of them together. Kelli screamed and he quickly covered her mouth as she cried and tried to get out from underneath him, her pussy felt like it was on fire as her blood dribbled around his cock and onto her thighs, down to the bed, he kept her mouth covered as he slowly pulled back and thrust all the way in again, she whimpered and cried everytime he did, feeling his thrusts growing faster, his mouth was lapping at her breasts and the pain began to ease, starting to feel good again, when her whimpers turned to moans her dad took his hand from her mouth

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Kazuma sakamoto
I want to beat my dick on those tits