Twinkstudios 援交純情処女 - Original Tight Pussy Fucked
(C83) [とっとととめきち (とめきち)] 援交純情処女
#350519 - Dramatic moment; Thérèse pushes; the Duc receives! and the incense was quite as dreadful as the temple whence it emerged, but when one is as stiff as the Duc was stiff, 'tis never excess of filth one complains of. Ah, it is not readily to be imagined how much voluptuousness, lust, fierce joy are flattered by those sureties, or what is meant when one is able to say to oneself: I am alone here, I am at the world's end, withheld from every gaze, here no one can reach me, there is no creature that can come nigh where I am; no limits, hence, no barriers; I am free. You're stiff, Durcet, said the Duc, don't deny it, for I know you: whenever you start that nasty boasting it's because your fuck is coming to a boil.
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